Sustainable Fashion

The 2 Sock Styles That Best Complement Sneakers (And 2 to Avoid)

Even the best sneaker can look bad if worn with the wrong socks. So what socks should you wear with sneakers?

Socks To Wear With Sneakers Featured

Sneakers are an easy, go-to shoe choice for most people. They work for everything from running errands to date night. But even the best sneaker can look bad if worn with the wrong socks. So what socks should you wear with sneakers?

Blue socks with triangle motif paired with white sneakers

The short answer? It depends on the style, color, and fit of your sneaker. Plus, you should consider the rest of your outfit, what you’re planning on doing, and what the weather is like when choosing what socks to wear with sneakers. Then, you’ll choose the most comfortable, stylish option possible. 

No matter what type, color, and style of socks you’re planning on wearing, you should always choose the best sustainable socks to reduce your impact on the planet. Read below for my style guide on the ideal socks to wear with sneakers for every situation!

The Best Socks to Wear With Sneakers

People used to wear sneakers just for comfort, even when they weren’t seen as fashionable. Now, sneakers are a stylish option for so many different occasions. But the socks you wear with sneakers can make the difference between a perfect outfit and an absolute dud. Plus, they should still be comfortable and breathable, too!

Taking all of that into consideration, here are the best socks to wear with sneakers.

Ankle Socks

Wearing an ankle sock with sneakers is a classic, middle-of-the-road option. Ankle socks are one of the most low-key and comfortable options. The low profile means your ankles and feet are protected from blisters without your socks becoming the star of the show!

However, if you’re wearing a high-top sneaker that comes above your ankle socks, try finding a longer style like a crew sock to protect your skin from rubbing. 

Crew Length Socks

If you want to wear socks that let you show off your personal style, crew socks are the perfect option. They come in so many different styles–from your classic white, half-length sock to fun, colorful crew-length socks. Plus, they’re especially great for when you’re wearing white sneakers to add some interest to your outfit.

Yellow socks with white sneakers and white trousers
The right socks will add interest to your outfit

When you’re wearing sneakers to work out, it’s really important to wear good quality athletic socks. It doesn’t matter if you wear long socks or short socks, as long as it’s comfortable for you. But the material matters a lot for workout socks. 

Bacteria thrive in damp, dark environments, so sweaty, covered feet need to be able to breathe. But most athletic clothing is made from “breathable,” synthetic materials like polyester or nylon, which are terrible for the planet

What is an environmentally-minded fitness-fiend supposed to do? Try a workout sock made out of materials like responsibly-sourced wool. It’s breathable, comfortable, and better for the planet.

What Color Socks Should You Wear With Your Sneakers?

Colorful socks are a great way to subtly show off your personality. But when does a socks color go from expressive to clashing? And what color socks work the best with which color sneakers?

Black or White Socks

Wearing socks in basic colors like black or white is great for everyday life with almost any color of sneakers. Some people prefer wearing black socks with black sneakers and white socks with white shoes but it can also create more visual interest to wear white socks with black shoes or vise versa.

Solid, black or white socks are also the safest choice for colorful or patterned shoes. A black sock is almost always going to go well with any color of shoe, but be careful with wearing a white sock with an off-white sneaker. It can make your shoe look dirty in contrast to the bright white.

White socks paired with white sneakers
White socks may make off-white sneakers look dirty

Choose different lengths of white or black socks according to where you’re going. If it’s a more casual occasion and sneaker, tall white or black socks can be cool, especially when wearing shorts. Tall, basic-colored socks also work well under more dressed-up looks like black suits. 

Colorful Socks

If you’re feeling fancy with some new sneakers, throw on a pair of patterned or bright-color socks. After all, life is too short to miss out on covering your feet in polka dots! Wear shorts to show them off even more.

Choose your socks color based on the season, your outfit, or the color of your shoes. Bright spring socks with white shoes is the perfect way to welcome in warmer weather. Fuzzy, darker socks will keep you warm and fit the cold weather!

Wearing a monochrome look is also becoming a more popular style choice. Choose the same color socks and shoes for a sleek, minimalist vibe.

However, bright socks aren’t the right socks for every pair of sneakers. If you’re wearing bright or patterned shoes, stick to more basic socks to avoid clashing.

Avoid These Sock Styles When Wearing Sneakers

Keep your feet comfortable and your outfit stylish by avoiding these socks on certain occasions!

Knee High Socks

While it may be popular for schoolchildren to wear knee-high socks with their school shoes, it’s not the best look with sneakers for adults. 

The only time a pair of super long socks with sneakers are appropriate to wear is in the winter. They could provide some extra warmth to your legs while wearing pants. Try them in a wool material to keep your lower half extra toasty!

Invisible Socks

You might think no-show socks would keep your feet cool on hot summer days, But it’s actually the opposite. If you wear no-show socks, especially with high-top sneakers, there’s nothing to wick moisture away. They also won’t keep your feet warm in the winter because they lack insulation. 

Plus, a lot of sneakers are made from more abrasive materials like leather or synthetic textiles that can cause blisters, chafing, and irritation. If you are wearing invisible socks, there’s probably space along the top and back of your foot that will not be protected with a sock buffer.

However, no-show socks could be used with super low-profile sneakers if the socks are big enough to protect the top and back of your foot from the shoe. 

The Right and Wrong Sock to Wear With Your Sneakers: Conclusion

Ankle, athletic, and crew socks are the best style of socks to wear with sneakers. They will keep your feet dry, cool, and protected, while still being able to add style to your outfit. 

As for which color of sock you wear, it depends on the look you’re going for and your shoe color. Colorful socks can be a great way to express your personality while white or black socks can be more subtle and good for your everyday routine. 

The socks you should mostly avoid with sneakers are knee highs and no-shows. However, both of these types of socks are useful in certain situations. 

At the end of the day, as long as your feet are comfortable, protected, and looking good, you’ve got the right socks. 

Megan Lemon

Megan Lemon

Megan is a sustainability writer based in Fiji, where she lives with her partner in the house they built themselves. In her free time, she free dives, spear fishes, and takes long walks on the dirt roads.

Sustainable Fashion

How to Clean White Socks (Without Harsh Chemicals)

Learn how to return your socks to pristine whiteness without resorting to harsh chemicals

How To Clean White Socks Featured

There’s nothing better than a crisp, brand-new pair of white socks. But it seems like after just one use, they go from bright white to a dingy beige (and nobody wants beige socks). A regular wash isn’t enough to get them back to their brightest. So what are you supposed to do–throw them out every time they get dirty? No!

For both the planet and your wallet’s sake, there are multiple sustainable ways to get your socks back to bright white. You can clean white socks by soaking, boiling, scrubbing, or washing in cleaning agents like baking soda, oxygen bleach, lemon juice or vinegar, all of which can help return white socks to their former glory without the use of harmful chemicals. 

Woman wearing dirty white socks that are desperately in need of a clean!
White socks seem to pick up every piece of dirt they come in contact with!

To learn more about how to clean white socks and how to prevent them from getting so dirty in the first place, read below! Keep your dirty socks out of landfills and in your sock drawer where they belong. 

What to Use to Clean White Socks 

While your first thought might be to use chlorine bleach or hydrogen peroxide to whiten socks, it’s better for the environment and the fibers of your socks to use gentler, less toxic cleaners. 

1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a miracle worker in the world of eco-friendly cleaning. You can use it in a variety of ways:

  • Soak your dirty white socks in warm water and baking soda for a few hours 
  • Add it to your washing machine before the wash cycle
  • Sprinkle your wet dirty socks with baking soda and scrub softly

2. Oxygen Bleach

Oxygen bleach will remove dirt stains and get them to a fresh white again in no time. Plus, oxygen bleach is more eco-friendly and less irritating than chlorine bleach. Add it to your load of laundry (white clothes only!) or let your dirty socks soak in it for a few hours beforehand. 

3. Lemon Juice

The citric acid in lemon juice is non-toxic, antibacterial, and antiseptic! So not only will your white socks look fresher than ever, they’ll actually be cleaner than ever! Soak or wash socks in fresh lemon juice for fresh, white socks that also smell good. 

4. White Vinegar

White vinegar has acetic acid, which is a strong acid capable of getting stained white socks back to snow white. Whiten socks by soaking them for half an hour, or wash them in a mixture of white vinegar and laundry soap. 

5. Laundry Detergent

Laundry detergent is an obvious part of washing white socks, but there are a few ways to use it to maximize its cleaning ability outside of the washing machine. Whiten socks with laundry detergent by:

  • Soaking them in a mixture of laundry soap and warm water 
  • Scrubbing wet socks with a brush dipped in laundry soap
  • Mixing regular laundry detergent with baking soda into a paste spread on top of stains

4 Expert Tips For Washing White Socks

Getting white socks clean isn’t always a simple cleaning procedure. Rather than just throwing them into the wash with your regular detergent, use the following methods to get the cleanest socks ever! 

1. Soak Them Before Washing

Giving your white socks time to soak in warm water allows a lot of the dirt to dissolve before you even pop them into the washing machine. You can soak them in water alone. Or for even more effective cleaning, add a small amount of laundry detergent or baking soda to the warm water. 

You can soak dirty socks for as little as 30 minutes or up to overnight in a plastic bag. Avoid leaving them wet for longer than that because mildew can start to grow in as little as 24 hours

2. Boil Your Socks Before Washing

For an even more powerful pre-wash clean, boil your dirty socks for about 15-20 minutes. For both whitening and deodorising, add half a cup of lemon juice or white vinegar to the pot. Once they’ve boiled for your desired amount of time, let them cool, and then add them to the laundry machine. 

This works very well on sport socks because boiling helps remove the oily sweat residue. On the other hand, wool socks should never be boiled. They need a more gentle washing process. 

3. Scrub, Scrub, Scrub

If your socks have dirt stains from mud or other caked-in substances, you’ll want to scrub them with a soft bristle brush to loosen them up. To avoid damaging the fibers, it’s best to gently scrub in small circles with a soft brush in a tub of warm soapy water. If the water gets too dirty, refresh it with clean water until it runs clean. Then, throw your socks into the laundry as normal. 

If you still notice stubborn stains after scrubbing, cover the stains in a paste made of baking soda and detergent for a few hours before washing. 

4. Wash White Socks Separately

While it may be tempting to throw all of your laundry in together, wash white garments separately. And depending on how dirty your white socks are, it may be best to avoid mixing your dirty white socks with your white clothing so the dirt doesn’t transfer in the wash. 

How to Prevent Your Socks From Getting So Dirty

Instead of having to remove stains every time you wash socks, learn how to keep them looking and feeling fresh!

1. Never Wear a Pair for More Than One Day

Trust me, I know how tempting it is to throw on yesterday’s socks again when you’re rushing out of the door. But the longer you wear them without washing, the more stubborn the stains and dirt are going to be. 

2. Keep Your Shoes Clean

If your socks are always getting dirty no matter what you do, check your shoes! Your insoles can get pretty nasty if dust, rocks, and dirt are slipping inside while walking. Clean your insoles with gentle soap and let them air dry in direct sunlight before putting them back into your shoes. 

3. Clean Your Floors

If you notice a pair of socks are dirty after a day spent inside, it’s time to get out the mop! Keep your socks white by regularly using eco-friendly disinfecting products on your floors, especially if you have kids or pets that tend to bring outside dirt inside. 

Megan Lemon

Megan Lemon

Megan is a sustainability writer based in Fiji, where she lives with her partner in the house they built themselves. In her free time, she free dives, spear fishes, and takes long walks on the dirt roads.

Sustainable Fashion

11 Sustainable Socks We’ll Be Wearing in 2023

Wearing sustainable socks is a great way to make an every day choice to reduce your impact on the planet! Here are our top 11 pairs for 2023.

Sustainable Socks Featured

Let’s talk about ~socks~ baby! Did you know that every day you could be making an easy choice to reduce your impact on the planet? When you think about living sustainably, your first thought probably isn’t about your socks. But it should be! 

Sustainable socks use organic or recycled materials and eco-friendly production practices for less impact on the environment. Plus, they’re more durable, so you’re not adding textile waste to landfills. Your socks may seem small in the grand scheme of things, but choosing sustainably is an easy way to help save the planet. 

I’ve found the 11 best sustainable sock brands, so you don’t have to. Whether they use breathable hemp or plant a tree for every purchase, these brands make socks that are eco-friendly and comfortable. So get ready to have your sustainable socks knocked off!

Quick Picks: The 4 Best Sustainable Sock Brands

If you’re having a foot emergency and need sustainable socks now, here are the best of the best! Our top four sustainable socks are:

1. Kind Socks – Fun and Ethical Unisex Socks for Every Occasion

Budget: $

Features: ethical manufacturing, non-toxic dyes, organic cotton, non-toxic chemicals, charity giveback program 

Range includes: unisex crew and ankle socks 

KindSocks Watermelon
Watermelon Socks by Kind Socks (Image by

Eco-friendly socks don’t have to be boring and Kind Socks is here to prove that. Founded with the belief that sustainable fashion isn’t a trend, but the only option, they have created two lines of fun, unique socks. 

Using only organic cotton, none of their socks have toxic chemicals like insecticides or pesticides. Also, their production facilities are ethically and safely run, paying fair wages to their workers. Plus, a percentage of their profits goes to a variety of charities around the world. 

2. Harvest & Mill – Cozy, Minimalist Socks Made With Organic Cotton

Budget: $

Features: organic cotton, grown and made in the USA, natural dyes

Range includes: men’s and women’s crew and ankle socks

A pair of cotton socks by Harvest Mill
Harvest Mill Organic Cotton Socks (image by

Harvest & Mill uses American-grown organic cotton to make luxuriously soft socks. Not only is their cotton grown in the US, they spin all of the fabrics and knit all of their socks in the US as well. This helps lower their carbon emissions because they don’t have to ship materials around the world. 

They also use different varieties of cotton for their colored fabrics, instead of harsh, toxic dyes. From a natural tan-green to a rust-red, you can find socks in a range of natural colors. That means you don’t have to worry about sensitive skin or throwing them into the wash!

3. Thought – Budget-Friendly Sustainable Bamboo Socks for the Whole Family

Budget: $

Features: eco-friendly materials like bamboo, recycled polyester, and organic cotton, vegan, zero plastic packaging 

Range includes: men’s, women’s, kid’s, and baby socks

Thought Semira Bamboo Pear Sock
Semira Bamboo Pear Sock (Image by

If you’re in the market for inexpensive eco-friendly socks for the whole family, look for further. Thought has a wide range of cute, comfy socks made with eco-friendly fabrics like recycled polyester and hemp.

Durable, anti-fungal, and made with anti-odor technology, you’ll never have to throw another smelly, hole-ridden sock away again! Plus, they’re vegan friendly, so no animals are harmed in the making of these cozies! And no worrying about shipping–all of their items come in zero-plastic packaging. 

4. Patagonia – Sustainable Athletic Socks That Last for Years

Budget: $$

Features: fair labor practices, sustainable fabrics like recycled cotton, renewable energy

Range includes: men’s, women’s, and children’s socks 

Patagonia Hemp Quarter Socks
Hemp Quarter Socks by Patagonia (Image by

For high-performance socks you can use for any outdoor (or indoor) adventure, Patagonia has you covered. They’re made from a unique blend of eco-friendly materials like recycled cotton, recycled nylon, and hemp for comfortable, durable socks. 

Made in fair trade certified factories, their socks are guaranteed to last you for years no matter what you put them through. Plus, Patagonia’s Worn Wear program means you can get your socks darned to keep them out of the landfills. 

5. Organic Basics – Vegan Eco-Friendly Socks You’ll Never Want to Take Off

Budget: $

Features: GOTS certified organic cotton, PETA Vegan approved, living wages

Range includes: men’s and women’s socks

Organic Basics Striped Socks
Color Striped Socks by Organic Basics (Image by

Organic Basics makes just that–basics made with GOTS certified organic cotton. Their socks are incredibly soft and comfortable, so they’re the ideal everyday pair. And because they’re organic, you don’t have to worry about any nasty chemicals left behind in the manufacturing process.

They take sustainability so seriously that even their default website is low-impact and shows you how much CO2 you’re saving. Plus, Organic Basics pays all of their workers not just fair, but living wages to work in safe facilities. 

6. Conscious Step – Organic Sustainable Socks That Give Back With Every Purchase

Budget: $

Features: charity give back program, natural materials like GOTS certified organic cotton, recycled materials 

Range includes: men’s, women’s, and children’s socks 

Conscious Step Socks That Plant Trees
Conscious Step’s Socks That Plant Trees (Image by

Conscious Step socks are comfortable, durable, and oh-so cute! They’re made with organic cotton and recycled polyester to reduce their impact on the planet. They use less water and electricity to make socks even softer than those conventional cotton ones you find in supermarkets!

If you want to find guilt-free socks, these are it. They’re vegan, fair trade certified, and a 1% For The Planet company. That means when you buy conscious step socks, they give back to causes like ocean conservation and tree planting programs. 

7. Colorful Standard – Organic, Sustainable Socks Perfect for Work

Budget: $

Features: organic cotton, PETA Approved Vegan, OEKO-TEX® environmentally friendly dyed yarn, recycled merino wool 

Range includes: men’s and women’s socks 

A range of colorful formal socks by Colorful Standard
Organic Socks by Colorful Standard (Image by

If you believe your feet deserve sustainable love, you’ll get along great with Colorful Standard’s comfortable, eco-friendly socks. Using organic cotton and OEKO TEX® eco-friendly dyed yarn, their socks are anti-pilling and perfect for work, lounging, and everything in between.

If you’re looking for an even cozier pair, check out their luxe and ethical merino socks. Made with recycled merino wool from old sweaters, these socks are Global Recycled Standard approved! And did I mention they’re cozy?

8. Boody – Sustainable Bamboo Socks That Stay Up All Day

Budget: $

Features: organic, ethically sourced bamboo fabric, transparent manufacturing process, low water use

Range includes: men’s, women’s, and children’s socks 

Boody Socks
Active Sports Sock by Boody (Image by

For lightweight, breathable socks, check out Boody! They make super soft socks made out of sustainable bamboo rayon. The best part? These socks are built to stay up all day, which means you won’t be bending over every ten seconds to yank your socks back up ever again! 

Boody has a seriously transparent business model where you can see the exact environmental impact of each item they sell. By using organically grown and ethically sourced bamboo, just one pair of their socks saves 132.9 hours of LED bulb energy and 82.7 liters of drinking water. 

9. Pact – Everyday Socks Made From Organic Cotton for Comfort and Sustainability 

Budget: $

Features: GOTS certified organic cotton, carbon offsets, recycled nylon

Range includes: men’s, women’s, and children’s socks

Pact Crew Socks
Pact Crew Socks (Image by

If you need ethical socks for the entire family, you’ll love Pact. Made with the unique blend of certified organic cotton and recycled polyester, their socks are soft, breathable, and durable. Plus, they have a special labeling system, so you don’t have laundry sock mixups anymore–one stripe for the kids, two for women, and three for men! 

Pact also purchases carbon offsets for their entire collection. For a pair of no-show socks, they send money to efforts like a wind power farm in India and a reforestation project in the United States. 

10. Allbirds – Cozy Sustainable Socks Made With Recycled Fabrics and Merino Wool

Budget: $

Features: carbon neutral, recycled materials like nylon, ethical merino wool

Range includes: men’s, women’s, and children’s socks

Allbirds Trino Cozy Crew
Trino Cozy Crew Socks by Allbirds (Image by

Do you want warm wool socks without having to think about animal welfare? Enter Allbirds. They made cozy, ethically and sustainably sourced merino wool socks aka the perfect ethical winter socks! Their socks are made with recycled nylon and polyester blended with merino wool for comfort and coziness! 

If you’re worried about how sweaty wool socks can be, don’t be. Allbirds add eucalyptus to their socks for odor-free and breathable wool socks. Plus, their entire operation is carbon neutral. They keep careful track of each product’s environmental impact and then balance the emissions. 

11. 8000Kicks – Breathable Hemp Socks For A Well-Rounded Sustainable Wardrobe 

Budget: $$

Features: premium hemp fiber, antibacterial and antimicrobial socks

Range includes: unisex socks

8000 Kicks Stripe Socks
Stripe Socks by 8000 Kicks (Image by

Hemp is well-known in sustainable fashion circles for its breathability, so it’s no wonder that 8000Kicks’ hemp socks are some of the most breathable sustainable socks out there! Known for their waterproof hemp shoe, they added a sock to keep your entire footwear collection sustainable. 

They use premium organic hemp to make their socks, so you don’t have to worry about any nasty chemicals like pesticides. Plus, they’re super durable, which means you won’t have to continuously cycle through packs of $5 bargain bin socks anymore.


It may seem like we’re splitting hairs when we talk about wearing sustainable socks. It seems like such a small, unimportant choice compared to the big problem of climate change. But when you support brands that use zero waste practices, recycled materials, or eco-friendly supply chain management, you’re sending a message to the rest of the industry. 

Start small or finish out your ethical wardrobe with the best eco-friendly socks! All of the brands mentioned above use sustainable practices to make cute socks that are good for you and the planet!

Megan Lemon

Megan Lemon

Megan is a sustainability writer based in Fiji, where she lives with her partner in the house they built themselves. In her free time, she free dives, spear fishes, and takes long walks on the dirt roads.

Sustainable Fashion

How Many Socks Should I Own?

Just how many pairs of socks do you really need? It may be less than you think!

How Many Pairs Of Socks Featured2

Rejecting the idea of cheap, replaceable, fast fashion in favor of high-quality, long-lasting, sustainable pieces is essential to living a more sustainable life. But buying just enough to live comfortably without being excessive can be a difficult balance to strike, especially with small items like socks. 

So how many socks are too many socks? The average person needs about ten pairs of socks in total. Having a balanced range of socks like dress socks, casual socks, athletic socks, cozy socks, and more depending on your lifestyle will ensure you have a sufficient number of socks for every occasion. 

For the best breakdown of the types of socks you should own, read below. Plus, I have tips for making your socks last longer and specific recommendations for each type of sock from the best sustainable sock brands! 

How Many Pairs of Socks Should I Own?

While the average person needs ten pairs, you might need more or less depending on your job, activity level, or location. I’ve broken it down into types of socks with recommendations for how many pairs of each type you should have keeping lifestyle in mind. 

Look Smart for Work? You’ll Need Five Pairs of Formal Socks

If you work in an office, you should have at least five pairs of formal socks. This means you’ll be able to do a full work week without having to scramble for a fresh pair of clean socks. 

A range of colorful formal socks by Colorful Standard
Organic Active Socks by Colorful Standard (Image by

How many pairs of socks do you need if you work in a more casual place? You should still have one or two pairs of high-quality socks for formal occasions like weddings or funerals. Nobody wants to be running around to the shops looking for a nice pair of socks hours before an important event!

For quality dress socks, check out Colorful Standard! They use organic cotton to make neutral and colorful socks that stay up all day.

Add 2-4 Pairs of Casual Socks

To wear with your casual sneakers, you should have a few pairs of everyday socks for casual wear.

A pair of Monstera Socks by Kind Socks
Monstera Socks by Kind Socks (Image by

Ideally, you’ll have one to two plain socks plus one to two colorful socks that express your personal style. Make sure to have both ankle socks and higher-cut ones that can fit comfortably under boots or higher-profile sneakers. 

Organic cotton socks from Kind Socks are great for every day because they’re cute and comfortable! 

Plus at Least a Couple of Pairs of Athletic Socks

Most people can get away with having about two to three pairs of socks you can be active in. Even if you’re not big into exercising, one or two pairs of socks you can hike or walk in won’t crowd your sock drawer.

A Pair of Patagonia Crew Socks
Patagonia 3/4 Crew Socks (Image by

If you live a very active lifestyle though, you should have enough socks to get through an entire week of workouts without having to do laundry or re-wear dirty socks. Nobody wants to put on sweaty socks before a workout!

I love Patagonia’s Lightweight Merino Performance Crew Socks! They’re great running socks because they wick moisture away quickly thanks to their responsibly sourced merino wool. 

Don’t Forget Cozy Socks for Winter

Cozy socks are one of life’s simple pleasures, so don’t miss out! If you live in a warmer place, you can survive with one pair of warm socks to wear on rainy nights. If you’re from a colder place, having three to four pairs will keep your feet warm all winter long!

A pair of cotton socks by Harvest Mill
Organic Cotton Socks by Harvest & Mill (Image by

Using merino wool performance socks as your cold weather pair is also a great option for people looking for minimalist wardrobes.

Harvest & Mill uses American-grown organic cotton to make the ultimate sustainable cozy sock! 

Add Other Pairs of Socks According To Your Lifestyle

Having enough pairs of formal, athletic, casual, and warm socks is sufficient for most people. However, people with certain medical conditions or lifestyles might need a few different types like:

  • Compression socks: pregnant people, athletes, people who frequently use wheelchairs, some people with certain medical conditions like diabetes or varicose veins, or people that travel a lot might want to invest in a good pair of compression socks. They help maintain blood flow and reduce painful swelling! 
  • Toe socks: for running socks that prevent blisters, try ones with individual toes! They’re great for endurance athletes like runners or backpackers.
  • Low profile socks: if you wear a lot of loafers or flats where normal socks show, grab multiple pairs of low profile ones that stay hidden.

Tips for Longer Lasting Socks

Now that you know how many socks you should own, learn how to make them last for years. Although it seems like a few pairs of cheap socks thrown out won’t make a big difference for the health of the planet, reducing the amount of waste you create is an important part of living a sustainable lifestyle. 

  • Invest in good quality socks! As tempting as those bins of cheap socks in the checkout line are, premium socks will save you money in the long run because you won’t have to replace them month after month. 
  • Learn how to darn! If you’re like me, your socks frequently get holes at the heel or toes. Instead of throwing them out, learn how to darn the holes! 
  • Buy multiple pairs of the same type! Do you have a ton of odd socks that don’t have a matching partner? Avoid it by buying packs of the same pair, so you’ll always have a match! Black socks and white socks are the best options for packs.
  • Hand wash your socks! So you don’t have to start a new laundry cycle every time you run out of socks, learn how to hand wash them. You won’t have to wait until your regular weekly cycle to have fresh socks. They’ll also last longer because it’s gentler than a machine.

So, How Many Socks Do You Actually Need?

There is no perfect answer for how many socks you need that fits everyone, but most people find that ten pairs of socks is just right! Depending on your workplace, workout regimen, climate, and more, you’ll want to have a balance of dress, athletic, casual, and cozy socks. 

If you prefer fewer socks or to have extra socks just in case of a foot emergency, that’s totally fine! Have as many pairs of socks as you need to live comfortably without unnecessarily buying socks or not wearing the ones you have. 

Megan Lemon

Megan Lemon

Megan is a sustainability writer based in Fiji, where she lives with her partner in the house they built themselves. In her free time, she free dives, spear fishes, and takes long walks on the dirt roads.